The Tale of Nottingswood
(a novelette in verse)
Within J.R. Young's dark, "...whimsical...fairy tale..." The Tale of Nottingswood, we encounter a parable rich with symbolism from beginning to end. Young doesn't just weave together a "...fable that speaks to readers of all ages...," but he's hidden a map that can lead one to discover life's greatest treasure – one's true potential.
"I always invite readers to read it again. The first time to captivate the mind; the second time to excavate the allegory; the third time to liberate the soul." -- J.R. Young On the surface, a few themes are easily recognizable:
I loved that the story became a great springboard to discussions of ethics with my children. My kids asked questions each night after reading a portion of the book. It led to great discussions and some really enjoyable talks with my children. The book didn't shove morality or ethics down your throat, but ethical situations were definitely interlaced throughout the narrative and were things that my kids picked up on. ...the underlying moral questions of good and evil, the privilege of free will, and the value of taking risks will intrigue readers of all ages." - Kirkus Reviews Such "moral questions" found within The Tale of Nottingswood can apply to many institutions such as:
But there's something more, something deeper than the initial questions that may rise to the surface after a first reading. It is this "something more" that, when understood, has the power to break the chains holding us back.
I didn't set out to write an allegory that explores the possibility of overcoming hopelessness. I just wanted to tell a great story. But as I went through the editing process, I discovered that each character, each setting, and each object is a real person, place or thing within the infinite depths of our own psyche. Every action taken by the protagonists can be seen as an actionable step that can break down the barriers within the inward-self that hold many people back from answering the call of their life's purpose." -- J.R. Young |
The Tale of Nottingswood is an invaluable tool in the hands of parents, educators, mentors, clinicians, or anyone in a position to help lift others – especially young people – out of their current state of uncertainty. Anyone can use this story to teach themselves and those they care about how to climb out of darkness and exercise one's responsibility to follow the light of their true potential.
The Tale of Nottingswood, by J. R. Young and illustrated by Amelia Grace, is a fictional novelette written entirely in verse, but formatted in prose for easy reading.
Nottingswood is an exciting and dramatic story perfect for an individual or group setting such as a family, book club, classroom, support group, mentorship program, etc.. Whether read aloud together--with each person playing a part--or read quietly curled up on the couch, The Tale of Nottingswood excites both the heart and the mind.
Nottingswood is an exciting and dramatic story perfect for an individual or group setting such as a family, book club, classroom, support group, mentorship program, etc.. Whether read aloud together--with each person playing a part--or read quietly curled up on the couch, The Tale of Nottingswood excites both the heart and the mind.
The Tale of Nottingswood, by J. R. Young and illustrated by Amelia Grace, is a fictional novelette written entirely in verse, but formatted in prose for easy reading.
Nottingswood is an exciting and dramatic story perfect for both individuals or groups such as a family, book club, classroom, support group, mentorship program, etc. Whether read aloud together--with each person playing a part--or read quietly curled up on the couch, The Tale of Nottingswood excites both the heart and the mind.
Nottingswood is an exciting and dramatic story perfect for both individuals or groups such as a family, book club, classroom, support group, mentorship program, etc. Whether read aloud together--with each person playing a part--or read quietly curled up on the couch, The Tale of Nottingswood excites both the heart and the mind.